After waking to every news station covering the "purchasing frenzy" that is the day after Thanksgiving, I've decided to stay home and work on my own presents.
My 5 year old was watching with me asking "Mommy, why are all those people pushing each other to go shopping when they could be sleeping?". Ahhh, good question my child. But instead of going into a rant about why some people choose to wake up at the butt crack of dawn so they can fight there way to that "special item" that the store has only 50 of and then go sell it on E-Bay for 3 times as much to someone who can't really afford it. But wants to make sure their child isn't the kid who returns from winter break without the "super-hip-does everything-must have-electronic wonder" that will be out of style in 3 months when the next "Big Thing" is launched. I just told her some people think braving the crowds the day after is "fun". She just shook her head and said "weird".
Anyhow, after reading Worsted Witch's latest blog entry, today we have decided to stay away from the malls and stores and put together lists of what we'd like to MAKE for friends and family. This year we will try and regulate "the Hype" of Christmas as much as possible without shattering the dreams of our 5 year old. I mean I wouldn't want to make her sad by telling her that if everyone continues to (over)consume at the current rate, not only are we losing the fish, polar bears, and migratory birds. But we may be losing "ourselves".
My 5 year old was watching with me asking "Mommy, why are all those people pushing each other to go shopping when they could be sleeping?". Ahhh, good question my child. But instead of going into a rant about why some people choose to wake up at the butt crack of dawn so they can fight there way to that "special item" that the store has only 50 of and then go sell it on E-Bay for 3 times as much to someone who can't really afford it. But wants to make sure their child isn't the kid who returns from winter break without the "super-hip-does everything-must have-electronic wonder" that will be out of style in 3 months when the next "Big Thing" is launched. I just told her some people think braving the crowds the day after is "fun". She just shook her head and said "weird".
Anyhow, after reading Worsted Witch's latest blog entry, today we have decided to stay away from the malls and stores and put together lists of what we'd like to MAKE for friends and family. This year we will try and regulate "the Hype" of Christmas as much as possible without shattering the dreams of our 5 year old. I mean I wouldn't want to make her sad by telling her that if everyone continues to (over)consume at the current rate, not only are we losing the fish, polar bears, and migratory birds. But we may be losing "ourselves".