I think I'm covered until 2007. This past Saturday 4 very highly caffeinated yarn fiends when searching for... YARN of course! At 9:00 a.m. we met at our local neighborhood caffeine dealer, grabbed a hot pastry and headed to 5 local yarn shops. Here are the results, I have all the yarn needed to finish my holiday projects as well as some stuff for my secret pal exchanges. The blues are for gloves and a hat, the Malabrigo for moi, the cotton candy pink turned into a scarf that night, and some wonderful Yarntini in Gimlet which I will work with after the holiday gifts are complete. I guess Yarntini is a hot commodity, because I had 2 girls chasing me all around the store until I purchased it. The owner of the shop pulled 2 hanks out of her special stash and said they were the last 2 she had. The pressure of these stalkers following me around made me give one back, and as soon as I set it on the counter to give back to the owner it was swooped up by one of the "yarn stalkers" and she promptly pulled out her credit card, paid for it and left. I hope she enjoys it, she worked for it! But no one told her it had way less yardage than mine and wasn't really enough to make a pair of adult socks. Oh well, maybe she has really teeny feet!
Sounds like you had a lot of fun:-) Anytime a day involves coffee and yarn, you are having a good day :-)
I know that pretty red/white and I like to pretend theres no pink only red and white run together shade of Malibrigo, its little lovely!
Great stuff Cher
I am so happy that you loved your package. I had fun reading your blog to find some of your favorite things. The multi color pink and black just jumped out at me and said Send me to Cher!. The pink wool/silk, I am using the same yarn except in blue for my husband's sweater. I am sure you daughter will love how soft it feels. I did not realize how difficult black licorice was to find until I started looking for it for you. The coffee. I love Raven's Brew they have several different blends, and the names are great. They are at www.ravensbrew.com They have really cool artwork on their site. We are hooked on Misty Fjorids, Dead Man's brew, and Resurrection. ENJOY! Papmer yourself over the holiday, you deserve it.
When you get a minute can you go to Swap Bot and complete the ratng on me (Knitstress) for the Coffee and Yarn swap? Thanks.
When you get a moment can you complete the rating on Swap Bot for me (Knitstress) for the Coffee and Yarn swap? Thanks
If I was there, I would have been one of those Yarntini stalkers too ;)
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